イヌの起源 Origin of the dog



もっとも早くに家畜化された動物は、イヌとされている。イヌの起源は古く、かつ複雑なために、長いあいだ議論がつづいてきた。イヌ(Canis lupus familiaris)の原種は、オオカミ(Canis lupus、タイリクオオカミ、ハイイロオオカミ)であることがわかっている。オオカミは、ユーラシアと北米に広く分布しており、32の亜種が報告されている。


Figure 3. The maximum likelihood tree of 30 sequences. Numbers represent node support inferred from 100 bootstrap repetitions. The reference genome boxer was not included. The Israeli golden jackal is the outgroup.(*1)

Figure 5. Demographic history inferred using PSMC. Following Freedman et al. (2014) and Zhang et al. (2014), we used a generation time = 3 and a mutation rate = 1.0 × 10−8 per generation. The Tibetan wolf 1 and Inner Mongolia wolf 4 are shown in all the plots for comparison purposes. (A) All the Asian wolves; (B) all the European wolves, Middle Eastern wolves, and Indian wolf; (C) dogs; (D) Mexican wolf and Yellowstone wolves.(*1)

Figure 6. Demographic model inferred using G-PhoCS. Estimates of divergence times and effective population sizes (Ne) inferred by applying a Bayesian demography inference method (G-PhoCS) to sequence data from 13,647 putative neutral loci in a subset of 22 canid genomes (because of limitations in computational power). Estimates were obtained in four separate analyses (Methods; Supplemental Table 6). Ranges of Ne are shown and correspond to 95% Bayesian credible intervals. Estimates are calibrated by assuming a per-generation mutation rate of μ = 10−8. Mean estimates (vertical lines) and ranges corresponding to 95% Bayesian credible intervals are provided at select nodes. Scales are given in units of years by assuming an average generation time of 3 yr and two different mutation rates: μ = 10−8 (dark blue) and μ = 4 × 10−9 (brown). The model also considered gene flow between different population groups (see Table 1).(*1)


Figure 5 Demographic model regarding ancient and contemporary dogs and wolves.
(a) The best model fit to both modern and ancient canid data using ADMIXTUREGRAPH on the whole-genome data set. This model had four f4-statistic outliers. Branches are indicated by solid black lines (adjacent numbers indicate estimated drift values in units of f2 distance, parts per thousand), whereas admixture is indicated by coloured dashed lines (adjacent numbers indicate ancestry proportions). Sampled individuals/populations are indicated by solid circles with bold outline. Wolves are labelled as ‘wolf’ and dogs are labelled according to their continental origin. (b) Divergence times of contemporary dogs and wolves inferred using G-PhoCS. Mean estimates are indicated by squares with ranges corresponding to 95% Bayesian credible intervals. Migration bands are shown in grey with associated value representing the inferred total migration rates (the probability that a lineage in the target population will migrate into the source population). The divergence time for HXH and NGD and modern European dogs is inferred using a numerical approach. The proportion of Indian village dog ancestry in CTC is inferred by NGSadmix and the proportion of South China village dog ancestry in HXH and NGD is inferred by f4-ratio test, shown in red.(*2)


アフリカを出て、ユーラシア大陸の内部に侵入した人類は、マンモスなどの大型哺乳類を狩猟の対象にしていた。ロシアのドン川の川岸にあるコステンキ-ボルシェヴォ(Kostenki-Borshchevo)遺跡群は、上部旧石器時代(オーリナシアン)の遺跡で、マンモスの骨が大量に出土している。コステンキ14(Kostenki 14)から出土した38,700~36,200年前の男性の骨から、DNAが抽出された。分析の結果、この男性の肌や瞳の色は濃く、中央シベリアの24,000年前のマリタ(Mal’ta)遺跡から出土した少年と近縁であったという。さらに、ヨーロッパの中石器時代の狩猟採集民、現代の西シベリア人、多くの現代ヨーロッパ人へとつながっていた。また、この男性は、東アジア人とは遺伝的に疎遠であったことから、西ユーラシア人と東アジア人は、36,200年より前に分岐したと考えられている。(*3)

Mammoth bones in Kostenky(Author:evatutin)

Fig. 2. Relationships of the K14 sample and MA1, MHG, NEOL,modern Europeans, and the modern populations in the Yeniseiregion . This representation is a possible topology consistent withthe results presented in this study in the context of the relation-ships described by Lazaridis et al.(21) for the modern Europeanpopulations and Raghavan et al.(23) for MA1. Present-day pop-ulations are colored in blue, ancient poplation in red, and ances-tral populations in green. Solid lines represent descent withoutadmixture events, and dashed lines show admixture events. Ar-rows do not depart from ancient samples (K14 and MA1) becausethey represent relationships of population ancestry. We only showthe topology of the potential population tree: There is no notion oftime in this representation. The treeisnottheresultofamodel-fitting procedure but rather a possible topology consistent with thekey results (A, B, and C) of this study.(*3)










ナトゥーフィアン初期に定住化がはじまったときに、レヴァントのネズミの種類と臼歯の形状に変化がおきたことは述べた(ナトゥーフィアン=貯蔵社会への転換)。このネズミの遺伝的な変化を、だれも「ネズミの家畜化」とは呼ばない。人間の近くに棲むネズミは、日本語では「イエネズミ」、英語では“House mouse”と呼んで、ペットや実験で使う家畜のマウスと区別している。



*1)Zhenxin Fan, Pedro Silva, Ilan Gronau, Shuoguo Wang, Aitor Serres Armero, Rena M. Schweizer, Oscar Ramirez, John Pollinger, Marco Galaverni, Diego Ortega Del-Vecchyo, Lianming Du, Wenping Zhang, Zhihe Zhang, Jinchuan Xing, Carles Vilà, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Raquel Godinho, Bisong Yue, and Robert K. Wayne. (2016) Worldwide patterns of genomic variation and admixture in gray wolves. Genome Res. 2016 Feb; 26(2): 163–173.
*2)Laura R. Botigué, Shiya Song, Amelie Scheu, Shyamalika Gopalan, Amanda L. Pendleton, Matthew Oetjens, Angela M. Taravella, Timo Seregély, Andrea Zeeb-Lanz, Rose-Marie Arbogast, Dean Bobo, Kevin Daly, Martina Unterländer, Joachim Burger, Jeffrey M. Kidd & Krishna R. Veeramah. (2017). Ancient European dog genomes reveal continuity since the Early Neolithic. Nature Communications 8:16082.
*3)Andaine Seguin-Orlando, Thorfinn S. Korneliussen, Martin Sikora, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Andrea Manica, Ida Moltke, Anders Albrechtsen, Amy Ko, Ashot Margaryan, Vyacheslav Moiseyev, Ted Goebel, Michael Westaway, David Lambert, Valeri Khartanovich, Jeffrey D. Wall, Philip R. Nigst, Robert A. Foley, Marta Mirazon Lahr, Rasmus Nielsen, Ludovic Orlando, Eske Willerslev. (2014) Genomic structure in Europeans dating back at least 36,200 years. Science28 Nov 2014 : 1113-1118

堆肥と土壌の作り方: 身近な有機物を利用する
電子園芸BOOK社 (2016-09-19)
売り上げランキング: 26,963
