ハト派遺伝子の有利性 Favorable of Dove genes



A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase. Every being, which during its natural lifetime produces several eggs or seeds, must suffer destruction during some period of its life, and during some season or occasional year, otherwise, on the principle of geometrical increase, its numbers would quickly become so inordinately great that no country could support the product.(THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES CHAPTER III.)







Eomaia, Temporal range: Early Cretaceous, 125 Ma(Author:Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska and Jørn H. Hurum)

Figure 1 Eomaia scansoria (Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS) 01-IG-1a,b; holotype). a, Fur halo preserved around the skeleton (01-IG-1a, many structures notrepresented on this slab are preserved on the counter-part 01-IG-1b, not illustrated).b, Identification of major skeletal structures of Eomaia.c, Reconstruction of Eomaia as anagile animal, capable of climbing on uneven substrates and branch walking. (*2)



But the struggle almost invariably will be most severe between the individuals of the same species, for they frequent the same districts, require the same food, and are exposed to the same dangers. In the case of varieties of the same species, the struggle will generally be almost equally severe, and we sometimes see the contest soon decided: for instance, if several varieties of wheat be sown together, and the mixed seed be resown, some of the varieties which best suit the soil or climate, or are naturally the most fertile, will beat the others and so yield more seed, and will consequently in a few years quite supplant the other varieties. (THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES CHAPTER III.)










Australopithecus, Skull of the Taung child(Author:Didier Descouens)





A model of the evolution of the genus Homo over the last 2 million years (vertical axis). (Author:User:Conquistador, User:Dbachmann)




パキケトゥスの復元図(Author:Nobu Tamura)

アンブロケトゥスの復元図(Author:Nobu Tamura)

Fig. 8. The non-cetacean section of the composite phylogenetic hypothesis for Artiodactyla. Thickened colored bars above branches (A–C) mark optimizations of various evolutionary changes on the lineage that leads to Cetacea (see Table 1). Gray bars above branches (1–3) indicate character state changes that are interpreted as convergences between early stem whales (see Fig. 9) and mesonychians. Thick branches connect extant taxa in the tree, and thin branches represent extinct lineages. The small, inset tree delimits (in gray) the section of the overall composite topology (Fig. 7) that is shown here at a larger scale. Approximate evolutionary time-scale, in millions of years, is at the base of the figure. Relationships derived from the Artiodactyla supermatrix are based on a strict consensus of trees. Artwork is by Carl Buell. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) (*6)

Fig. 9. The cetacean section of the composite phylogenetic hypothesis for Artiodactyla. Thickened colored bars above branches (D–Z and a–j) mark optimizations of various evolutionary changes within Cetacea (see Table 1). The three S = F symbols (blue and brown) are positioned on branches where parallel moves from saltwater to freshwater environments are inferred in the river dolphins – Inia, Lipotes, and Platanista. Thick branches connect extant taxa in the tree, and thin branches represent extinct lineages. The small, inset tree delimits (in gray) the section of the overall composite topology (Fig. 7) that is shown here at a larger scale. Approximate evolutionary time-scale, in millions of years, is at the base of the figure. For the mysticete section of the tree, one of the six minimum length trees derived from the Mysticeti supermatrix is shown. Relationships derived from the Artiodactyla supermatrix (stem Cetacea) and from the crown Cetacea supermatrix (Odontoceti) are based on strict consensus trees. Artwork is by Carl Buell. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) (*6)



Tyrannosaurus rex holotype specimen at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh.(Author:ScottRobertAnselmo)

Brachiosaurus(Author:Matt Wedel)

始祖鳥 (Archaeopteryx),既知の最古の鳥類(Author:Raimond Spekking)








*1) Charles Darwin. 1859. The Origin of Species, The sixth edition, 1872.
*2) Ji, Qiang & Luo, Zhe-Xi & Yuan, Chong-Xi & Wible, John & Zhang, Jian-Ping & Georgi, Justin. (2002). The Earliest Known Eutherian Mammal. Nature. 416. 816-22. 10.1038/416816a.
*3) 加納隆至,ボノボのオスの順位と交尾頻度,霊長類研究,1994
*4) Hiroyuki Takemoto, Yoshi Kawamoto, Takeshi Furuichi. How did bonobos come to range south of the congo river? Reconsideration of the divergence of Pan paniscus from other Pan populations. Evol Anthropol. Sep-Oct 2015;24(5):170-84. doi: 10.1002/evan.21456.
*5) 黒田末寿,ピグミー・チンパンジー,筑摩書房,1982
*6) Gatesy J., Geisler J.H., Chang J., Buell C., Berta A., Meredith R.W., Springer M.S., McGowen M.R. (2013). A phylogenetic blueprint for a modern whale. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66 (2) , pp. 479-506.
*7) Turner, A., Pol, D., Clarke, J., Erickson, G., & Norell, M. (2007). A Basal Dromaeosaurid and Size Evolution Preceding Avian Flight. Science, 317(5843), 1378-1381.
