カボチャ、ヒョウタン、スイカの起源 Origin of pumpkin , lagenaria,Watermelon


“domestication” is “humanization”


段階 生業 行為
平衡テリトリー遊動、平衡テリトリー貯蔵 管理採集、管理狩猟 無意識の選択(収穫する)
平衡テリトリー初期農耕 管理採集、管理狩猟、栽培 意識的な選択(選択する、伝える)









Fig. 2. (A) Cucurbita pepo peduncle from zone B of Guila´ Naquitz that yielded an AMS 14C date of 7340 6 60 14C years B.P. (note diagnostic alternating large and small ridges). (B) Cucurbita pepo fruit end fragment from zone B of Guila´ Naquitz that retains orange rind color and yielded an AMS 14C date of 6980 6 50 14C years B.P. (C) A squash seed from zone C of Guila´ Naquitz 13.8 mm in length that exhibits marginal ridge and hair morphology diagnostic of C. pepo and yielded an AMS 14C date of 8910 6 50 14C years B.P.(Science 09 May 1997:Vol. 276, Issue 5314, pp. 932-934)

栽培トウモロコシは、メキシコBalsas川中流域に自生するZ. mays L. subsp. parviglumisから生じ、栽培化は1回だけであったことがわかっている。(トウモロコシの起源)


Figure 1 (A and B) Geographic range of putative wild ancestors of domesticated Cucurbita spp. in the U.S., Central America, and South America. Numbers on the maps are individual numbers for wild taxa listed in Table 1 and in supporting information on the PNAS web site (www.pnas.org). Question marks indicate potential areas of domestication for species that presently lack a wild ancestor.

Figure 2 ML tree for 11 species of Cucurbita. Individual numbers in parentheses are those listed in Table 1 and in supporting information on the PNAS web site (www.pnas.org). Taxa in bold print are domesticated species. Bootstrap values above the branches: parsimony in bold (100 bootstraps); distance in italics (1,000 bootstraps). Values below the branches represent ML steps (50,000 puzzle steps).(PNAS January 8, 2002 99 (1) 535-540)




ウリ科のヒョウタン(ユウガオ属 Lagenaria)については、日本の縄文時代の鳥浜貝塚(6,000~5,500年前)から種が出土しており、きわめて古い時代から人間が利用してきたことが知られている。



ヤシ酒を入れたヒョウタン容器、コンゴ(Author:Nick Hobgood)




Fig. 1. Sample map showing modern domestic gourds (□), modern wild gourds (★), and archaeological gourd rind samples (■) used here. Dates reported with archaeological specimens give the weighted mean of the calibrated age invoking the IntCal.09 calibration curve (8) in Oxcal 4.2 (7). See Table 1 for complete details of archaeological samples, and Table S1 for modern sample information.

Fig. 2. Maximum clade credibility tree of modern and ancient bottle gourd LSC plastid genome data, showing Bayesian posterior probability at nodes where Bayesian posterior probability ≥0.9. Ancient branches and samples are shown in red, and the scale bar assumes an evolutionary rate of 1.0 × 10−9 substitutions site−1 per year−1. The two subspecies, ssp. siceraria and ssp. asiatica [after Heiser (18)], are outlined, and a wild gourd from Zimbabwe [described by Decker-Walters et al. (25)] and one of only two known wild populations) forms an outgroup to all others, indicating some of the intraspecific diversity lost in L. siceraria during recent population declines. The Argentinian specimen within the asiatica lineage, from Heiser’s (18) collections (Table S1), may represent a historic introduction to South America. Alternatively, it may be of particular interest regarding possible prehistoric contact, material culture exchange, and domesticated germplasm transmission between Polynesia and South America (15, 19). The asiatica lineage is subtended by a domestic Ethiopian landrace, whereas a wild gourd from Kenya falls at the base of the siceraria group, suggesting that the Horn of Africa might have been an important ancestral center of Lagenaria diversity, and a source region for asiatica gourds dispersing from Africa north and east into Eurasia, as discussed elsewhere (15).

Fig. 3. Results of oceanic drift simulation experiments summarized in 10° latitude bins (Tables S3 and S4). African coastal bins give the minimum, average, and maximum drifter crossing success under all configurations of model parameters, and the average crossing times of successful drifters. New World figures indicate the minimum, average, and maximum percentage of all successful drifters arriving in a given bin, and the average crossing times of local arrivals. The Inset shows successful drifter paths over the course of three selected experiments (Table S3), with colors reflecting different departure latitude bands: yellow, 20°–10° S; magenta, 10°–0° S; cyan, 0°–10° N; red, 10°–20° N; black, 20°–30° N.







wild、野生 → ヒトと延長された表現型の関係にない
domestication、栽培化 → ヒトと延長された表現型の関係にある



カラハリ砂漠で生活するサン族は、表面水が得られない時期は、2種のメロン (Citrullus lanatus、Citrullus naudinianus )、植物の根っこ(Rhaphionacme burkei、Coccinia rehmannii)、多肉植物(Aloe zebrina)などを水源として利用している。(*6)

とりわけ、ツァマ・メロン(Citrullus lanatus)は、ほぼ1年中利用できるため、きわめて重要だ。多い時期には1人が1日に5キロもツァマ・メロンを食べるという。ツァマ・メロンは、外観はスイカにそっくりで「甘味はなく、むしろ苦いものや酸っぱいものがまじっている」という。一方、根っこのRhaphionacme burkeiは苦くてまずいという。乾燥したステップで生きるサン族にとっては、ツァマ・メロンは、生存を左右するほど重要な植物である。


Citrullus lanatus ツァマ・メロン

Citrullus naudinianus

Rhaphionacme burkeiの根(source:ブッシュマン)


Tsamma-Melonen in der Kalahari (Author:Genet)

*1)Bruce D. Smith. (1997) The Initial Domestication of Cucurbita pepo in the Americas 10,000 Years Ago. Science Vol. 276, Issue 5314, pp. 932-934.
*2)Oris I. Sanjur, Dolores R. Piperno, Thomas C. Andres, Linda Wessel-Beaver. (2002) Phylogenetic relationships among domesticated and wild species of Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae) inferred from a mitochondrial gene: Implications for crop plant evolution and areas of origin. PNAS 99 (1) 535-540.
*3)Logan Kistler, Lee A. Newsom, Timothy M. Ryan, Andrew C. Clarke, Bruce D. Smith,  George H. Perry. (2015) Gourds and squashes (Cucurbita spp.) adapted to megafaunal extinction and ecological anachronism through domestication. PNAS 112 (49) 15107-15112.
*4)David L. Erickson, Bruce D. Smith, Andrew C. Clarke, Daniel H. Sandweiss, Noreen Tuross. (2005) An Asian origin for a 10,000-year-old domesticated plant in the Americas. PNAS 102 (51) 18315-18320.
*5)Logan Kistler, Álvaro Montenegro, Bruce D. Smith, John A. Gifford, Richard E. Green, Lee A. Newsom, Beth Shapiro. (2014) Transoceanic drift and the domestication of African bottle gourds in the Americas. PNAS 111 (8) 2937-2941.
*6)田中二郎.(1971)ブッシュマン. 思索社.

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